Person # 1 on this chart is the same as person # ___ on chart # ___ Email to:< /td>8 Grandad's FatherBorn: Place: Marr: Place: Died: Place: Go back to4 Patrick Gribbon -------------Born:1878 Place:Belfast, Co. Antrim Marr: Place:Belfast, Ireland Died: Place:Kearny, NJ ||||||| tr> |||||9 Grandad's MotherBorn: Place: Died: Place: 2 John Gribon -------------Born:Nov 23, 1902 Place:Belfast, Ireland Marr:Jan 1, 1929 Place:Holy Cross Church, Harrison, NJ Died:May Place: |||||||/tr> ||||||||||||||10 Dad's Mother's DadBorn: Place: Marr: Place: Died: Place: |||||5 Rose McKenna -------------Born:1880 Place:Auchnacloy, Tyrone Died:1945? Place:Belfast ||||br>| |||||11 Dad's Mother's MomBorn: Place: Died: Place: 1 John P. Gribbon -------------Born:Oct 2,1929 Place:Kearny, NJ Marr:Oct 5,1957 Place:Church of the Assumption, Morristown,NJ <-br>Died: Place: ||||||| ||||||br>|12 Mom's Father's DadBorn: Place: Marr: Place: Died: Place: |||||||6 Robert Cassidy -----------Born:1878 Place:Belfast, Ireland Marr: Place:Belast,Ireland Died: Place:Keany, NJ ||||||| tr> |||||||||13 Mom's Father's Mom Susan HughesBorn: Place: Died: Place: 3 Annie Smyth Cassidy -------------Born:1878? Place:Newery,Co. Down, Ireland Died: Place:Kearny, NJ ||||| |||||||14 Born: Place: Marr: Place: Died: Place: 7 Annie Smyth -------------Born:Sept 16, 1871 Place:Newry,Co Down, Ireland Died: Place:Kearny, NJ ||||| 15 Mom's Mother's MomSusan CassidyBorn:Sept 16, 1840 Place: Died: Place: Links to my Other Pages My Home Page: List of Good Sites: My Family History: Thanks You are the visitor to this page since 4/99 Receive email when this page changes Click Here • Powered by Netmind •
Person # 1 on this chart is the same as person # ___ on chart # ___